This is the official "I think my baby is hitting her 12-week growth spurt" picture. It was accompanied by a "YAY, MORE NAPS FOR MOMMY!" *Ahem*
But seriously. It both saddens and excites me that my little princess is going through another growth spurt. On one hand, I can't wait until you're walking around and tugging at my pockets, asking all sorts of questions. On the other hand, I want you to stay my little, tiny babe - the one who stares intently at me like she's studying my every feature, and the one who smiles and waves her arms when I come near. I honestly hope those things never change, even when you've grown taller than me and have little ones of your own.
Speaking of your smiles, here's a Charlotte classic. You have such a precious smile, and they only get better than this. Most of the time, you're such a happy baby. I love having you around. In fact, I spent some time away from you helping Grandma with one of her jobs and the whole time I kept thinking "Where's Charlotte?" It was just so odd to be without my little love bug.This was from Sunday evening on the way home from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Lusk's house. We passed a turtle crossing the road. Grandma and I turned to each other and said "Turtle!" Just like that, we turned around and Aunt Kym and Uncle Jordan got out to help it across the road. It wasn't too thrilled, and kept trying to get them to leave him alone, but I'd like to think we actually did something beneficial for that turtle - even if he didn't appreciate it!
Annnd you sleeping. Again with the sleeping. It's a good thing you're ridiculously adorable when you sleep.
That's it for now!