Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hospital Stay

From Facebook:

"Major downside to being in the hospital: no cuddle time with the hubby.

And for those of you who just had heart attacks: Charlotte and I are fine. It looks like I'm just struggling with some dehydration and frequent migraine headaches. I've been receiving IV fluids and they're keeping me overnight but I should be able to go home in the morning after my fasting blood draw and maybe an appointment with my OB.

P.S. The next day:

"After IV fluids for just over 24 hours, an EKG, echocardiogram, and several blood tests, I'm home! I have a nasty bruise from a blown vein, a little bit of a headache, and some nausea, but everything pretty much checks out. I had low sodium, potassium, (and a couple other) levels, and seemed to be dehydrated, but the fluids should have helped with those. The other doctor who was monitoring me thinks my headaches are simply frequent migraines most likely brought on by pregnancy hormones.

My orders are basically to rest up, keep hydrated, eat enough, and take it easy. I'm hoping the next time I see the inside of the L&D unit is around March 14th!

Now to sleep in a real bed. Cue hallelujah chorus."

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